December 2020 Newsletter

AGM 2020

For the Co-op, December began with a Reconvened AGM via Zoom on the 1st. The committee would like to thank all members who attended. We will be sharing minutes on the Convent website as soon as they have been signed off. 

The committee would also like to take this opportunity to thank Baz Moffat for her time as Chair, a post she held for four years, and is now sadly standing down from. Baz will remain on the Management Committee for the time being. 

The Co-op is always on the lookout for new committee members. Joining the management committee entails attending meetings, which take place roughly every two months and last about an hour, and occasionally taking on small projects such as policy matters and reading through tender applications. Alternatively, or in addition, you could join a subcommittee: meetings take place twice a year. As well as getting to know some of your neighbours, being a committee member is an opportunity to share skills, develop new ones, and provides you with an example of community engagement which always looks good on your CV. Subcommittees include Finance or Estate and Maintenance. 

Do get in touch to find out more if you are interested. 

If you are not already a Shareholder, you can become one for a mere £1.00. Please contact the office for details and eligibility. 

SIBS award

This year, understandably, we have spent a little less on general maintenance than in other years. The lockdown has slowed down plans. However, we were very pleased to hear we have been awarded a Small Improvement Grant from Wandsworth Council. 

We are aiming to use the money to help create a family-friendly, dog-free garden where parents will be able to take their children. The area we have identified behind 2-38 Ericcson Close is currently in need of some tender loving care, so in the new year we will fence off part of it to allow the ground to recover before planting grass seed in the spring. If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact the office.


Rubbish collection over Christmas and New Year

Rubbish will be collected on the same day as usual, and old Christmas trees (not artificial) will be collected for free by the Council during the first two weeks of January. If you plan to dispose of it sooner or miss the collection, please deliver it to Smugglers Way Centre. All decorations and pots must be removed. 


Christmas office opening hours:

Office staff will be available until 12.30 pm on 24th December 2020 either in the office or via phone on 07956 866315 or email at 

The office will open again on 4th January 2021.

Outside of these hours and only for emergencies, please contact WBC Patrol on 0208 8871 7490

For hot water and heating repairs, contact T Brown directly on 0800 977 8472 / 0208 394 1166 (WBC tenants only).


 Season’s Greetings