January Newsletter 2021

Happy New Year to all residents from the Co-operative Management Committee

Now that most of the Christmas decorations are gone, and after the incredibly difficult year that was 2020, it is good to begin 2021 with a comprehensive vaccination programme, which we hope to see rolled out as fast as possible to all. Residents can continue to access information from the council about testing, or practical and financial support on their website:


The Co-op continues to be managed as usual although, in accordance with Government advice, staff may be working from home. You can contact them in the usual way via email or phone.

Co-op staff contact details:

Office or via phone on 07956 866315
email at convent25@aol.com.
Outside of these hours and only for
emergencies, please contact WBC Patrol on 0208 8871 7490

For hot water and heating repairs, contact T Brown directly on 0800 977
8472 / 0208 394 1166 (WBC tenants only).

Reminder: please keep entrances and doorways clear of all objects

Blocked doorways and entrances are a potential hazard in case of fire or simply for day to day access. For this reason, the Co-op rules are very clear. There should be no personal belongings outside your own property; in hallways, on landings, or in any other communal area. This remains true on rubbish collection day when residents might leave items out causing obstructions, especially difficult for people suffering from ill-health or those required to use sticks and crutches. Please be considerate about where you are placing extra bags or large objects.

Do remember, the council will not collect large items without booking and payment, and you must arrange for these to be removed yourself, if not with WBC.

www.wandsworth.gov.uk/rubbishand- recycling/

Rubbish Collection

Some residents go to tremendous trouble to help tidy up the estate after bin collection. This shouldn’t be necessary but sadly, the reality is, it often will be. You can help by making sure bags are placed in the right place, tied securely and in the correct type of bags. Bin men will not collect anything loose or simply discarded. We encourage you to use the council website to report missed collections or any problems that you encounter, such as broken bags that are simply abandoned. Please do all you can to follow the council guidelines and to keep your bin area clean and tidy. Dirty bin areas attract foxes, rats and other vermin. Many thanks.