December Newsletter 2021

End of Year Chair’s Report

I would like to begin my report by thanking the staff for maintaining the estate and office with efficiency and good humour throughout 2021, despite the challenges.

We have had more maintenance projects this year (after things slowed down considerably through the lockdown periods last year.) As well as ongoing day-to-day maintenance, work began on two new kitchens towards the end of the year.

Wandsworth Council have got in on the act too and provided us with two new pavements outside blocks 2-24 and 3-21 Ericcson Close. If you think the pavement outside your home is due an upgrade, and have been missed out this time, please report flaws and problems on the Council’s website. As far as we are aware, no further work has been planned for now, so it would be good to encourage them to do more.

Unfortunately, the pigeon population continues to be a problem and we are investigating humane ways of discouraging them from gathering in large numbers. Residents can help by refraining from leaving food out. Not only does this encourage pigeons to congregate, but it also attracts rodents too which are a constant battle for us. The pigeons also leave a terrible mess, which, aside from looking unattractive, eats into concrete and brickwork and is a health hazard.

Making sure the grounds are well-kept is an important part of the Co-op’s remit. And so we plan to apply for funding from the council’s Small Improvement Budget (SIBs) to pay for additional planting pots to add to the ones we purchased in 2019. We will also apply to pay for a pressure washer, to use in particular, in the bin areas. This should help with keeping rodents at bay. But it goes without saying, please continue to be mindful of how you dispose of waste, ensuring you use the correct bags and secure them properly.

Additionally, we have applied for an award to pay for conference-call equipment so that we can continue to provide online access to Co-op meetings combined with in-person meetings. This blended way of doing things has proven effective for Management meetings, ensuring the vast majority are quorate. We have a little way to go with General Meetings, but hopefully, as we get on top of the technology, people will feel more like joining in. We will find out in the new year if we have been successful.

Sadly, we have decided not to organise a Christmas gathering this year, while the Covid crisis continues. Hopefully, by Christmas 2022, the situation will have improved and we can make up for lost time, with an extra-special event then.

That’s it from the committee and me, except to say, have a peaceful, festive season and a Happy New Year!

Monica Meighan Convent Co-operative Chair

Christmas Office Opening Hours and Emergency Numbers:
Office staff will be available until 12.30 pm on 24/12/2022 either in the office or via phone on 07956 866315/email at The office will open again on 04/01/2022. Outside of these hours and ONLY FOR EMERGENCIES, please contact WBC Patrol on 0208 8871 7490.   For hot water and heating repairs, contact T Brown directly on 0800 977 8472 / 0208 394 1166 (WBC tenants only).  

A note from Jane Wilkinson about the Wild Garden (Garage Area)

We’ve been lucky to be given an ‘Our Space’ grant which has paid for materials to spruce up the garage exterior and to create a wildlife garden around it for the benefit of our community. The garden is coming on well, becoming a little haven for wildlife in our midst. It’s been a mass of bumblebees throughout the summer feeding on the red dead-nettle flowers and now a range of differently spotted ladybirds all looking for places to hibernate. Hopefully, once the little pond has been installed, it won’t be long before frogs, toads, dragonflies and maybe even newts arrive. A hedge of five different native trees (Hazel, Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Field Maple and Cornus) planted early last year is growing well together with some Holly and self-sown Elm trees (a rare sight in the UK now). These should provide food for a range of interesting butterfly and moth caterpillars such as Tiger moths as well as berries for birds. The ivy is flowering at the moment and is a great source of pollen and in the depths of winter, berries too. The wild garden depends on volunteers to develop and maintain it, and volunteers are always welcome with open arms, even if you only have an hour or so to spare! Gloves, tools etc. provided. Are you interested in wildlife and gardening or have practical skills to offer? If so, please contact Jane on 0777 3509852.

Christmas Tree Collection:
Wandsworth Borough Council will collect real trees in the new year for recycling on a scheduled collection day for your street between Tuesday 4th and Friday 14th of January 2022.

Meeting Schedule for Next Year

11th Jan 6.30 pm Management

22nd Feb 6.30 pm Management

1st March 7.00 pm General

26th April 6.30 pm Management

3rd May 7.00 pm General

5th July 6.30 pm Management

12th July 7.00 pm AGM

18th Oct 6.30 pm Management

1st Dec 7.00 pm General


Fly-tipping can be reported to the council. If you see it happening, please collect as many details as you can, e.g. license plate, location, items, and report to or 020 8734 3032.