November 2022 Newsletter

The leaves are turning, and the estate grounds are looking beautifully autumnal. Thanks to the committee members and volunteers who keep the grounds looking clean and pleasant. If you would like to help with litter picking, please contact the office. With the change in seasons, we are issuing a few reminders which will help maintain the estate grounds and its buildings in reasonable condition.

CONDENSATION Wandsworth Council provides comprehensive information on its website but here is a summary of how you can help keep your home dry:

  • As the temperature drops, it is tempting to keep the windows permanently closed, especially with the exponentially high cost of fuel. But to prevent mould and dampness, it is important to reduce the build-up of moisture in your home, so you should open windows on a regular basis.
  • Do not block ventilators or chimneys.
  • Ventilate bathrooms or kitchens and close the doors when these rooms are in use to reduce the spread of moisture.
  • Dry your washing outdoors, or in a bathroom with the door closed and the window open.
  • Cover pans and do not leave kettles boiling.
  • If you can, turn the heating on for a short blast most days to dry moisture.
  • Vacuum-cleaning regularly helps to remove mould spores and dust. Mould feeds on dust.
  • Clean mould and dampness wherever it arises with a fungicidal wash or mould spray, although bleach will do too. And if redecorating, use an anti-fungal paint – please make sure you follow safety instructions when using these products.
  • Please visit the Wandsworth Council Website to find out more about how to keep your property from becoming damp. There are separate pages for council tenants and leaseholders/freeholders.

COST OF LIVING As costs of fuel and food increase, we have created a list of helpful links which might help which is available on our website, so please check in from time to time. Here’s a brief summation: The government has created a list of shops that are offering low-cost food and children’s meals. The council has a page listing various grants available to local people and businesses. For anyone struggling to cover fuel costs, please visit the Fuel Bank Foundation.

FLOODING AND DRAINAGE If you have external drains on your property (drains in gardens or on balconies), please check regularly to ensure they are clear of leaves and other debris. Blocked drains are one of the main causes of flooding on the estate. Also, NEVER put anything down the loo other than toilet roll. Recently a blockage caused by a build of wipes had to be dealt with on the estate. Wipes, sanitary towels, condoms should be thrown in the bin only. Remember, if we call an engineer out to deal with blocked drains, the cost is recharged and added to the service charge.

BLOCK LIGHTS As the ambient light changes with the season, please alert the office if you feel the block lights are being left on unnecessarily in the mornings. Equally, if they are not coming on early enough in the evenings, please get in touch so we can adjust the timer. We are currently researching alternative forms of lighting that operate via a sensor, and will be considering any related safety and practicality issues.

1st Dec 7.00 pm General Meeting. Please come along and join us all for drinks and snacks afterwards to celebrate the end of the year and the festive season. Look out for an agenda in your inbox or letterbox.


Monica Meighan is the Co-op Chair and has been leading the Co-op since 2020, so through most of the pandemic. This is her third stint as Chair! Monica has been a resident on the estate since it was first established in the early 80s and is a member of the very first family to have moved in. She and her husband raised their children here and today they are visited regularly by grandchildren who enjoy seeing where their parents grew up. Monica is a dedicated committee member and is always supportive of the Co-op staff, calling in often to ensure they are safe and able to do their jobs with ease. As well as being on the Management Committee, Monica attends Estate and Finance meetings too. She says she loves keeping busy with Co-op duties, but we bet she would appreciate other residents joining and getting involved too.

RUBBISH COLLECTION We are aware the rubbish collection is not always as effective as it might be. If you see anything concerning, such as rubbish collectors rifling through bin bags and causing further mess rather than clearing it up, please report directly to WBC. However, you can help by using secure bags, tying them tightly, and ensuring lids are kept on bins so foxes can’t break into them. Please also note, the bin collection staff will not take un-bagged rubbish. Nor will they take empty boxes that have not been broken down and placed in orange sacks or any other items. Large items should be taken to Smugglers Way.

CO-OP SHARES & COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP The Management Committee consists of just nine people although there are over 100 properties on the estate. Unfortunately, private tenants are not able to join but council tenants and owners are very much needed. With such low committee numbers, the future status of the Co-op is in jeopardy, which means, the estate could revert to full council control if we reach five. The amount of time required from committee members is minimal and responsibility would be lightened if there were higher numbers. There are six management meetings a year which last roughly one and a half hours. In order to be on a committee, residents must be Co-op shareholders. You can buy a share, if you are not a shareholder already, by
filling out a form online (please email the office to let us know you have completed the form) or else request a hard copy, available from the office. Shares cost £1.